Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week Late

I've been pretty busy and have not been posting my workouts on time. I'm a whole week late on this one.

I plowed through the 100,000 ft of climbing mark at Purisima Creek Redwoods preserve last weekend. It was a shorter run, but only because I ran more mileage on the weekdays. My total mileage for the week was longer.

My weekday and weekend runs are getting fairly intense. I'm running hard the whole time and my body seems to be adapting. A few weeks ago I was running my morning run at about 1:20 and thinking that was fast. Last Friday I did the same run in 1:13, and broke 1:20 on all my runs (MWF). I'm busting my ass at the gym as well, trying to build up paddling strength. Going to try and do more paddling on the water as well.

This is all to prepare for the Desert Winds race coming up in 2 weeks. There is no biking, only paddling, running, coasteering, canyoneering, and swimming. Although I am racing solo, I like to beat as many of the teams as I can. The competition is stiff. The fastest team there will probably be DART, which I can never seem to get ahead of. It will also be hard for me because I'll be paddling solo vs. doubles and triples.

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