Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Sense of Bravado

I had business to be in Baton Rouge, LA yesterday so I loaded my bike and made arrangements to meet some friends at the trails in the afternoon. There was a very steep 80 foot climb; or 12 foot depending on the angle, that I committed myself to knowing that there was a metal grate covering a sink hole at the narrow edge of hill top. I did not give up on the climb but my wheels did and I got to slide down that cheese grater on my knee and hip. Ouch! But, any day is a good day when 5.5 hrs are spent on otherwise sweet single track and I was able to continue riding. I forgot all about my bobo's by the time we were seated at the restaurant and served with a school of sushi. (wicked wound picture has been censored). today, I am watching the "planet earth" DVDs.

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