Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Waddell Beach Run

It wasn't on the beach at all, but I did start there :) . 20 screaming miles with over 5000ft of elevation gain. I went hard almost the while time, only stopped once to get my headlamp out of my pack. I started in late afternoon and ran through sunset and into complete darkness.

My training program is starting to pay off. I have done this run several times in the past, but never faster than 5:00, I think. This time I broke 4:30. It is probably also due to the amount of effort I put into it and the fact that I used a heart rate monitor to verify my exertion level.

I also tried a new supplement. While I was at the hardware store buying some long-range insecticide spray to take out a yellow jacket nest, I spied some "5-Hour Energy" bottles at the checkout counter. This is the stuff that Team Salomon Crested Butte said they were using. For kicks, I bought a bottle and took it on my run.

I ran extra hard for the first part of the run and so by the time I had about an hour left I was starting to feel pretty bad. There was still 6-miles and a steep 1500ft downhill remaining. I popped open the little bottle and drank it down. I think it helped a bit. I definitely had a hard time getting to sleep when I got home, even after 5 hours was up.

The next morning Cathy and I left our kid with the neighbors and went on a nice bike ride. I think I was still buzzing on the 5-hour stuff.

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