Sunday, December 9, 2007

Stanford Orienteering Club "C" Meet

The Stanford Orienteering Club put on an event this weekend on the campus. Although not exactly what I expected, it was still fun. The bike ride to Stanford from my house is nice so I rode instead of driving. It's about 12 miles, with only minor hills.

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The map for this event was very interesting. It was titled "Stanford University - A Campus Map" as if it was some sort of official thing you give to tourists. Although intricately detailed enough to be a major work of art, the map had absolutely no road or building names. Even the tower, visible from all over the campus, shows up as simply a rectilinear grey blob.

There wasn't much to see, but the course did run by by the museum. I collected these pictures afterwords on my bike instead of lolligaging on the clock.

The Gates Of Hell (yes, it is called that).

This is just north of the museum. There is a control hiding in the bushes behind it.

An interesting statue.

With a control posted on the back side.

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