Sunday, February 24, 2008

Half Marathon

It was an incredible day for a run. We started at the Superdome and ran down Bourbon and up Royal Street. It's amazing that people are still drinking alcohol at 7 am. At least they came out the bars to cheer us on. It was very tight and slow on the narrow streets. Things didn't open up at all until we were a good ways down St. Charles avenue and we started running on the Neutral Ground (Median) between the street car tracks. I imagine the elite runners and people trying to qualify for Boston start the race up front and don't experience the log jam we encountered. Elvis is alive and well, running the half with a guitar???? Lots of things to see. Unfortunately my running partner became very ill after the run and I am hoping it was just an allergic reaction to a new energy drink with Gobi berries.
Afterwards I met a training partner at the Spillway to kayak and we had a really great training session and enjoyed the afternoon on the water.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I didn't see your name in the results, what name did you run under this time?